Environmental Waste
Plastic waste in the ocean - It is estimated that there are over 5 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean, weighing more than 250,000 tons. Recycling plastic helps reduce this amount and protect marine life.
Landfills taking up space - Landfills are taking up more and more space as waste production increases. In the US alone, landfills cover an area larger than the state of Rhode Island.
Energy savings through recycling - Recycling aluminum saves up to 95% of the energy needed to produce new aluminum from raw materials. Similarly, recycling glass saves up to 30% of the energy needed to make new glass.
Electronic waste generation - The world generates over 50 million tons of electronic waste every year, with only a fraction being recycled. E-waste is one of the fastest-growing waste streams and has serious environmental implications.
Food waste and greenhouse gas emissions - When food waste goes to landfills, it produces methane gas, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. Reducing food waste and composting can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Pollution from vehicle emissions - Recycling car parts like tires, batteries, and engines can reduce pollution from vehicle emissions. In fact, recycling one ton of car batteries can prevent the emission of 20 to 50 tons of carbon dioxide.
Plastic pollution harming wildlife - Plastic pollution is not only harmful to marine life but also wildlife on land. For example, animals can get entangled in plastic bags or mistake plastic pieces for food.
Water usage in manufacturing - The production of new products requires large amounts of water, which is becoming an increasingly scarce resource. Recycling reduces the need for new products and therefore conserves water.
Benefits of circular economy - A circular economy is one in which resources are kept in use for as long as possible, through recycling and reuse. This can help reduce waste, conserve resources, and create a more sustainable economy.